Programmes Click on the buttons below to filter projects by PROGRAMME: TodosClimate-KICENI CBCMEDHorizonInterregLife DeCO2Dynamic Decarbonization Pathways Framework: Integrating Technological, Social, and Policy Innovations for Sustainable Renovations in the Built Environment iEPBIntegrated EPB Assessments. A pathway for effective EPBD implementation OneClickRENOEquipping buildings with automated, massive and customized Building Renovation Passports as an effective tool to drive deep renovation BuildUPspeedIntroducing a Market Activation Platform to speed up Deep Renovation of EU building stock, enhanced by attractive, high quality Industrialized Solutions, offering evidence-based performances. MODERATEMarketable Open Data solutions for optimized building-RelATed Energy services INPERSOHolistic deep renovation programme addressing the building’s entire lifecycle and combining industrialisation and personalisation. SEACAP 4 SDGMed SE(A)CAP integration through uniform adapted assessment and financing methods, mainly targeting buildings in education and health sectors, for sustainable development goals in a smart society BUS-GoCircularStimulate demand for sustainable energy skills with circularity as a driver and multifunctional green use of roofs, façades and interior elements as focus ALTER ECO PLUSUnderpinning mainstreaming processes of the Carrying Capacity Limit calculation tool to improve tourism policies and strategies in MED territories IMPULSE – IMPULSE PLUSReaching new territories in the use of Integrated Management Support for Energy efficiency in Mediterranean PUblic buiLdings re-MODULEESthe Retrofitting Market Activation Platform based on the generation of standard modules for energy efficiency and clean energy solutions Save The HomesOne-Stop Shops as Citizens’ Hubs to support the decision-making process for integrated renovations INFINITEIndustrialised durable building envelope retrofitting by all-in-one interconnected technology solutions BUSLeagueDedicated to stimulate demand for sustainable energy skills in the construction sector NRG2peersTowards a new generation of EU peer-to-peer Energy Communities facilitated by a gamified platform and empowered by user-centred energy trading mechanisms and business models IMIPInnovative Eco-Construction System Based on Interlocking Modular Insulation Wood & Cork-Based Panels U-CERTTowards a new generation of user-centred Energy Performance Assessment and Certification; facilitated and empowered by the EPB Center REDUCESREthinking Sustainable Development in European Regions by Using Circular Economy Business Models BEEPBIM for Energy Efficiency in the Public sector DRIVE 0Driving decarbonization of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process TripleA-renoAttractive, Acceptable and Affordable deep RENOvation by a consumers orientated and performance evidence based approach HAPPENHolistic APproach and Platform for the deep renovation of the Med residential built ENvironment SusCoolSustainable Cooling in Supermarkets ALDRENALliance for Deep RENovation in buildings: Implementing the European Common Voluntary Certification Scheme, as backbone along the whole deep renovation process Smart Cities DTPSmart City design tools and principles: bridging the gap between social innovation and local sustainability strategies eDEEPenergy Data Exchange Enabling Platform SHERPASHared knowledge for Energy Renovation in buildings by Public Administrations BIMplementTowards a learning building sector by setting up a large-scale and flexible qualification methodology integrating technical, cross-craft and BIM related skills and competences ENERFUNDAn ENErgy Retrofit FUNDing rating tool CoSuDSCollaborative transition towards sustainable urban drainage: making it happen at district scale (PATHFINDER PROJECT) ALTER ECOAlternative tourist strategies to enhance the local sustainable development of tourism by promoting Mediterranean Identity TBE PLATFORMTransforming the Built Environment LESSLow Energy Solution for Shops EURBANLABAccelerating urban innovations EEPPAEuropean Energy Performance of Properties Analysis ACCELERATOR Accelerator Programme GOUV’AIRNANCEGouvernance de la qualité de l’air dans les villes méditerranéennes (Governance of the air quality in Mediterranean cities) OBBeCOffice Building Behaviour Change RETROKITMarket Research Scan of “Retrofit it yourself” products PhDSummer School SSR AGORASmart and Sustainable Restaurants ACCENTAccompany the Cities in Energy Strategy SSOSmart and Sustainable Offices BTAAcelerador de las tecnologías en los edificios PROF-TRACPROFessional multi-disciplinary TRAining and Continuing development in skills for NZEB principles Back to EU Projects