IVE participates in multiple European research, development, and innovation projects, integrated into programs such as LIFE, HORIZON, INTERREG, MED, or ERASMUS+. These initiatives aim to strengthen the strategic positioning of the Valencian Community within the European context, promoting the alignment of our housing and urban planning policies with sustainability, inclusion, and community-level development goals.

Facilitating Ambitious Energy Renovation of Public Buildings through Integrated Services in Spain

Fostering deep Building Renovation by Aggregating demand, developing business models and Rolling out IndustRialized prefabricated sOlutions for a decarbonized building stock

Dynamic Decarbonization Pathways Framework: Integrating Technological, Social, and Policy Innovations for Sustainable Renovations in the Built Environment

Equipping buildings with automated, massive and customized Building Renovation Passports as an effective tool to drive deep renovation

Introducing a Market Activation Platform to speed up Deep Renovation of EU building stock, enhanced by attractive, high quality Industrialized Solutions, offering evidence-based performances.

Holistic deep renovation programme addressing the building’s entire lifecycle and combining industrialisation and personalisation.

Med SE(A)CAP integration through uniform adapted assessment and financing methods, mainly targeting buildings in education and health sectors, for sustainable development goals in a smart society

Stimulate demand for sustainable energy skills with circularity as a driver and multifunctional green use of roofs, façades and interior elements as focus

Underpinning mainstreaming processes of the Carrying Capacity Limit calculation tool to improve tourism policies and strategies in MED territories

Reaching new territories in the use of Integrated Management Support for Energy efficiency in Mediterranean PUblic buiLdings

the Retrofitting Market Activation Platform based on the generation of standard modules for energy efficiency and clean energy solutions

Save The Homes
One-Stop Shops as Citizens’ Hubs to support the decision-making process for integrated renovations

Industrialised durable building envelope retrofitting by all-in-one interconnected technology solutions

Towards a new generation of EU peer-to-peer Energy Communities facilitated by a gamified platform and empowered by user-centred energy trading mechanisms and business models

Innovative Eco-Construction System Based on Interlocking Modular Insulation Wood & Cork-Based Panels

Towards a new generation of user-centred Energy Performance Assessment and Certification; facilitated and empowered by the EPB Center

REthinking Sustainable Development in European Regions by Using Circular Economy Business Models

Intra-hour prediction of solar electricity generation from Photovoltaics based on Big Data analysis

Driving decarbonization of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process

Attractive, Acceptable and Affordable deep RENOvation by a consumers orientated and performance evidence based approach

Holistic APproach and Platform for the deep renovation of the Med residential built ENvironment

ALliance for Deep RENovation in buildings: Implementing the European Common Voluntary Certification Scheme, as backbone along the whole deep renovation process

Smart Cities DTP
Smart City design tools and principles: bridging the gap between social innovation and local sustainability strategies

Towards a learning building sector by setting up a large-scale and flexible qualification methodology integrating technical, cross-craft and BIM related skills and competences

Collaborative transition towards sustainable urban drainage: making it happen at district scale (PATHFINDER PROJECT)

Alternative tourist strategies to enhance the local sustainable development of tourism by promoting Mediterranean Identity

Gouvernance de la qualité de l’air dans les villes méditerranéennes (Governance of the air quality in Mediterranean cities)

Energy Performance Indicator Tracking Schemes for the Continuous Optimisation of Refurbishment Processes in European Housing Stocks
IVE is an entrusted partner to a large number of regional, national and international entities dedicated to the development of sustanaible buildings and cities. Jointly, many initiatives and projects are currently under implementation, targeting the public and private sectors in Spain.
We are ready to partner!
Drop us a message & let’s build a winning proposal
60 Projects
+25 Countries
+200 Partners
What we do?
Apps / online tools / software
- «RenovEU»: Estimation of the energy consumption of a building and improvement options for energy savings and increased comfort.
- «TURIA»: Assessment of the toxicity, resource use, environmental impact and reuse potential of the materials used in the project. BUS-GoCircular Project
- «RE10»: Analysis of the potential for disassembly and adaptability of a building. BUS-GoCircular Project
- Catalogue of Building Elements in BIM. BIMplement Project
- Characterisation of residential building typologies in 20 EU countries. TABULA-EPISCOPE Projects
- Game app for tourists visiting the city of Valencia with places, events and prizes. ALTER ECO Project
- Game app for tourists visiting the city of Gandia with places, events and prizes. ALTER ECO Project
Certification / EPB assessment / BRP
Estimated pre-assessment / Form / Survey
Websites / Platforms / Repositories
- Methodology for the energy renovation of heritage buildings using BIM. BEEP project.
- Methodology for developing energy renovation plans for the public building stock and their possible financing. IMPULSE Project.
- Monitoring homes in Valencia and Rotterdam pre- and post-renovation: energy consumption, temperature, humidity, comfort, and health. Sav€ the Homes project.
- Self-instruction guide for replicating one-stop shops (OSS). Sav€ the Homes project.
GIS mapping
Policy / Governance
- Policy recommendations to foster the growth of «energy communities» in Europe. NRG2peers Project
- Policy recommendations to decarbonise the EU building stock. Drive 0 Project
- «Guía verde»: Guide to develop green public tenders. BUSLeague Project
- Sax Municipality SECAP Plan (Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan): SEACAP 4SDG Project
- Circular economy policy and practice in six European regions. REDUCES Project
- Methodology for developing energy renovation plans for the public building stock and their possible financing. IMPULSE Project
Pilots / Demonstrators / Good practices
- Good practices of «Circular economy business models in Spain». REDUCES project
- Monitoring homes in Valencia and Rotterdam pre- and post-renovation: energy consumption, temperature, humidity, comfort, and health. Sav€ the Homes project
- Success stories of energy renovation, re-MODULEES Project
Open Data / Data Interoperability
Materials & products
Citizens / Awareness campaigns / One-stop-shops
- Website «Circular Homes». Drive 0 Project
- Card game on «Circular Economy in the construction sector». Drive 0 Project
- Game app for tourists visiting the city of Valencia with places, events and prizes. ALTER ECO Project
- Game app for tourists visiting the city of Gandia with places, events and prizes. ALTER ECO Project
- Tourist guides to Valencia’s neighbourhoods: Benimaclet, Ruzafa and Cabañal. ALTER ECO Project
- Energy Efficiency Awareness Campaign in BAUHAUS DIY stores. BUSLeague Project
- Monitoring homes in Valencia and Rotterdam pre- and post-renovation: energy consumption, temperature, humidity, comfort, and health. Sav€ the Homes project
- Self-instruction guide for replicating one-stop shops (OSS). Sav€ the Homes project
- Network of One-Stop Offices to advise citizens on home renovation. Sav€ the Homes project
- Retrofitting Market Activation Platform, re-MODULEES Project
- One-click diagnosis of your home’s energy performance, re-MODULEES Project
- Catalogue of housing renovation solutions, re-MODULEES Project
Publications / Guides
- Methodology for the energy renovation of heritage buildings using BIM. BEEP project
- Design guide for sustainable and healthy offices according to the «BES Oficinas» label. SSO Project
- Catalogue of residential building typologies. TABULA-EPISCOPE Projects
- Urban design guide to mitigate the heat island effect in Mediterranean areas. REPUBLIC-MED Project
- «Guía verde»: Guide to develop green public tenders. BUSLeague Project
- Design Guide for Tourist Accommodation. ALTER ECO Project
- Circular economy policy and practice in six European regions. REDUCES Project
- Self-instruction guide for replicating one-stop shops (OSS). Sav€ the Homes project
Education / Training / Skills
Resultados del proyecto Sav€ the Homes
Resultados del proyecto Sav€ the HomesJulio 2024 El proyecto Save the Homes, incluido en el Programa Marco de investigación e Innovación Horizon 2020 de la Unión Europea, concluyó con éxito el pasado mes de febrero de 2024. El proyecto surge en el contexto de...
Sincronización de datos energéticos: proyecto iEPB
Sincronización de datos energéticos: proyecto iEPBJulio 2024 El proyecto iEPB, financiado por el programa LIFE Clean Energy Transition, tiene como objetivo mejorar el comportamiento energético de los edificios en la Unión Europea mediante la mejora de la...
Resultados del proyecto Re-MODULEES para la rehabilitación energética modular
Resultados del proyecto Re-MODULEES para la rehabilitación energética modular en edificios residencialesJulio 2024 El proyecto Re-MODULEES, parte del programa H2020 del Programa Marco de Investigación e Innovación de la Unión Europea, ha finalizado exitosamente en...